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The ‘Healing Presence’ is connection to, and Oneness with, Absolute Source ~ Love ~ as it exists in all of Creation.

~ the Heart becomes the bridge.

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Craniosacral Therapy gives us a modality to ‘listen in’ to the physical, emotional, energetic & subtle systems of the body~mind in such a way that one can learn to sense where the system is out of harmony & what is needed to restore balance & well-being on all levels ~

The being is always communicating the way back to balance if we are silent enough to hear~

Skill, education, technique & attunement allow us an ever increasing depth of perception & reach in this work… but the Healing Presence is always the Compassion we bring to our client’s journey, the sensitivity of our hearts & the depth & connection of the space we can hold for them. The greatest healing force we have at our disposal will increasingly be known to be the power of pure Loving Compassion ~ the Heart becomes the bridge.

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“Love nurtures all things that grow, it harmonizes and unites. Hatred agitates and separates, and indifference destroys what could have been made good and beneficial. Love is harmony and harmony is Love. Hearts that do not love are never visited by angels of harmony. Love is the highest, the grandest, the most inspiring, the most sublime principle in creation. All human souls, the world, the whole universe, are attuned to the cosmic eternal harmony of love.”

Paramahansa Yogananda, Journey To Self-Realization

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