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My door is open ~

The Journey to Inner Peace & Wholeness Begins Here…

Through bringing Balance, Intuitive Insight & Awareness to the Present ~ & by Deeply Transforming & Releasing the Past, we can Open to the Fullness of Who We Truly Are & Live Our Best Lives! ~ in Peace, Joy, Freedom & ever increasing Oneness with the Divinity of our own Souls ~

Testimonial from Dr. Jody Stanslaw

Transmuting our challenges brings freedom & awakens the inate joy within us ~

Hawaii is Aloha is Love is Aloha is Hawaii is Aloha is Love ~

Guided Visualization for Relaxation & Inner Peace

Understanding the Energy Dynamics of Early Trauma ~

Finding Inner Balance & Stillness at This Time on Earth

Sharing the Journey ~

One way to look at healing is to gauge how much joy and peace we hold at the core.. & how much negativity, or unhealed memory is stored in the subtle field & body...

~ Through every trial we grow. All the suffering we experience has a meaning. All that we experience has a meaning.... "this whole drama is between pain & love. Your love must be greater than your pain." ~ Paramahansa Yogananda